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Nopal Cactus / Prickly pear

The medicinal properties of the prickly pear have been proven by several studies, mainly carried out in Mexico where they have been using it for thousands of years. They are called "medicinal properties" because they help control the diseases more easily.

The health benefits of the regular consumption of the prickly pear (nopal) leaf: it improves our well-being, as proven by studies carried out in Mexico, at the Hospital La Raza of the Mexican Institute of Social Security:

It lowers blood glucose concentrations.
It combats type II diabetes

The benefits of roasted and raw prickly pear are due to its richness in fiber and to its ability to improve the cellular response to insulin. The consumption of prickly pear leaf significantly decreases the levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides in diabetics and it also lowers their glucose levels (administer 100gr of roasted prickly pear three times a day, 20 minutes before each meal). Also, the administration of prickly pear to healthy individuals, before administering glucose orally, prevents the elevation of blood glucose, which occurs normally 120 to 180 minutes after the glucose intake, and decreases blood insulin levels.

In a study with non-diabetic patients, the consumption of 250g of fresh prickly pear cactus daily for 8 weeks led to a decrease in total cholesterol and low-density cholesterol levels. Likewise, an 11% decrease in insulin and glucose levels was observed.

According to the aforementioned studies, the most efficient form of consumption of prickly pear for diabetic patients is roasted. The following combination can increase its benefits: roast two prickly pear leaves (nopales) on the grill, without fat, serve them seasoned with 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil and the juice of 1 lemon. Consume this recipe 3 times a day, 20 min before each meal.

Low cholesterol
Cardiovascular health

Studies have confirmed that regular consumption of prickly pear helps us to:

– Lower high cholesterol levels
- Combat the formation of clots
- Decrease tissue damage caused by oxidation

The amino acids, fiber and niacin contained in the nopal prevent excess blood sugar from turning into fat, while on the other hand, it metabolizes fat and fatty acids thus reducing cholesterol. In a study published in 2001 (Budinsky, 2001), it was shown that the consumption of roasted prickly pear (250 gr per day) generated a decrease in both total cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol (LDL).

This same group of researchers reported that regular consumption of prickly pear significantly reduces the levels of an oxidation marker, as well as the damage done to tissues by the compounds generated by the oxidation of fats in our body. Also, it significantly reduces the risk of heart attack.

Consumed in the same way that is recommended for diabetes, it helps reduce cholesterol and the oxidation of blood fats.

Rich in fibers

Some studies have suggested that prickly pear contains substances that give it anti-inflammatory, analgesic and protective properties of the gastric mucosa.

Pass 4 carrots, 2 celery stalks and 1⁄2 large raw potato through the juice extractor. Liquefy the juice obtained with 1 prickly pear and consume as such.

Health & Wellness
Fatty liver

In an animal study, it was observed that prickly pear protects the fatty liver by decreasing the oxidation of fats in the liver, the fasting insulin levels, the size of the liver and by the improvement of the liver enzyme levels.

Pass 2 red apples, 2 carrots, 2 radishes and 1 slice of pineapple through the juice extractor. Liquefy the juice obtained with a prickly pear and consume as such.

"The green gold of Mexico"
Contribution of Minerals

The Nopal contains vitamins A, Complex B, C, minerals: Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Iron and fibers, cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, and mucilages that together with the 17 amino acids to help eliminate toxins.

Liquefy 1 nopal leaf in a glass of pineapple juice with 5 sprigs of parsley and consume as such.

NOTE: Any of these juices must be consumed at least twice a day (you can drink them 3 or 4 times a day) for 20 to 30 consecutive days.

- Budinsky A, Wolfram R, et al, Regular Ingestion of Opuntia Robusta Lowers Oxidation Injury, Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2001; 65 (1): 45-50. - Usefulness of Prickly Pear for Glucose Control in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Deni Basurto Santos, Marte Lorenzana-Jiménez, Gil Alfonso Magos Guerrero. (http://www.ejournal.unam.mx/rfm/no49-4/RFM49408.pdf).